About Me

Mission: The mission of this blog is to enlighten and entertain the readers about self directed investing primarily using an online platform. Based mainly on my personal experience and research I plan to take the readers on a journey through the “What to do” and the “What not to do” in self directed investing and to do it in an easy to read and light manner.

About Me:

Richard Linklater Mortgage Agent Level 1 Lic. # M23005849 website go to : www.Citadelmortgages.net/richardlinklater

Currently with Citadel Mortgages FRSA Lic. # 12993 To fast track a mortgage application go to:   https://bit.ly/3OwbVpe


1. I will never mention a stock I currently own and do not want posters doing it either. This is not a blog to promote specific stocks so no “pumping” or “dumping” a stock. Save those games for the stock boards where it occurs regularly and people take it into account when reading and evaluating comments.

2.There are a lot of knowledgeable investors out there and I would like them to join in and add value to the conversation. Use real examples, be clear, be brief, and keep it simple.

3. No derogatory, hateful, racist, or untruthful comments. Keep the language clean; the English language has a vast number of words to use without having to resort to vulgar expressions.

As it’s my blog and my rules, I will delete any comment that I believe contravenes the rules. Thank you.